
Understanding the National Agreement

This page includes a number of resources that have been produced to help all Australians to better understand the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the National Agreement) and how it was developed, including iterations of the National Agreement, information on the history of Closing the Gappast reports and available data on progress to date.

The Coalition of Peaks have a number of useful resources and reports.

This page also includes policy resources developed by the Joint Council to support the delivery of commitments in the National Agreement.

What is in the National Agreement on Closing the Gap?
What are the Priority Reforms?
Understanding Priority Reform 1 – Partnership and shared decision making
Understanding Priority Reform 2 – Building the Community-Controlled Sector
Understanding Priority Reform 3 – Transforming Government Organisations
Understanding Priority Reform 4 – Shared Access to Data and Information at a Regional Level
What are the Targets and Outcomes?
What was heard from the engagements and how it was incorporated into the National Agreement

National Agreement on Closing the Gap

National Agreement
Original, signed National Agreement on Closing the Gap

Joint Council Policy Resources

This section contains a set of policy documents and resources endorsed by the Joint Council to progress actions and Priority Reforms identified in the National Agreement.

Strategic Plan for Developing the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Sector
Joint Communications Strategy
Joint Council Terms of Reference
Style Guide 2021
Closing the Gap
Early Childhood Care and Development
Sector Strengthening Plan 
Agreed in principle by Joint Council on 3 December 2021
Sector Strengthening Plan 
Agreed in principle by Joint Council on 3 December 2021
Sector Strengthening Plan 
Agreed in principle by Joint Council on 26 August 2022
Sector Strengthening Plan 
Agreed in principle by Joint Council on 26 August 2022
Data Development Plan
Data Development Plan 2022-2030

Policy Partnerships

Under Priority Reform One of the National Agreement, Parties have committed to building and strengthening structures that empower Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to share decision-making authority with governments. Clause 38 of the National Agreement commits all Parties to establishing policy partnerships by the end of 2022.

As policy partnerships are established, links to their respective websites will be included below.