Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisation (other than an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community-controlled organisation) – a business, charity, not-for-profit organisation, incorporated under Commonwealth, state or territory legislation, that has at least 51% Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander ownership and/or directorship and is operated for the benefit of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
ALGA – Australian Local Government Association
Annual data compilation report – prepared by the Productivity Commission, this provides a point-in-time snapshot of the Dashboard material (see definition of ‘Dashboard’ below).
Coalition of Peaks – Coalition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community-Controlled Peak Organisations. The Coalition of Peaks is a representative body consisting of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander national and state and territory community-controlled peak organisations who work to improve life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Cultural Safety – Cultural safety is about overcoming the power imbalances of places, people and policies that occur between the majority non-Indigenous position and the minority Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person so that there is no assault, challenge or denial of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person’s identity, of who they are and what they need. Cultural safety is met through actions from the majority position which recognise, respect, and nurture the unique cultural identity of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Only the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander person who is recipient of a service or interaction can determine whether it is culturally safe.
Dashboard – prepared by the Productivity Commission, this provides in a visual format the most up-to-date information available to inform reporting on progress against the Closing the Gap targets and indicators.
First Ministers – the Prime Minister, state and territory Premiers and Chief Ministers and the President of the Australian Local Government Association (ALGA).
Formal Partnerships – agreed arrangements (policy and place-based) between governments and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people that set out who makes decisions, how decisions are made, and what decisions will be about.
Governments/Government Parties – all Australian Governments, consisting of the Commonwealth, states and territories, and ALGA.
Implementation Plan – Publicly available plan developed by each Party detailing how the Party will implement the Agreement.
Joint Council – Joint Council on Closing the Gap. Ministerial Council on Closing the Gap, with representation from Government Parties and the Coalition of Peaks. Further details on the Joint Council can be found in the Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap 2019-2029.
Jurisdictions – The Commonwealth, states and territories.
Mainstream institutions and agencies – Government agencies, institutions, organisations and services they fund that develop policies or deliver services to all Australians, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
NIRA – COAG National Indigenous Reform Agreement 2008 that set out COAG’s initial Closing the Gap strategy.
Partnership Agreement – Partnership Agreement on Closing the Gap 2019-2029, signed by COAG and the Coalition of Peaks, setting out shared decision-making arrangements on the next phase of Closing the Gap.
Partnership Working Group – Working Group established by the Joint Council on Closing the Gap, comprising representatives of each Government Party and the Coalition of Peaks, with the role of developing and progressing issues for upcoming Joint Council meetings.
Productivity Commission – Australian government’s independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians.
Significant and sustained – A year-on-year improvement relative to the baseline data that is equal to or greater than the historic rate of change.