The Parties have agreed to 17 socio-economic targets at Table B. The table consists of the following elements:
Outcome – the socio-economic outcomes of this Agreement.
Target – the key measure by which Government Parties are publicly accountable to in achieving the socio-economic outcomes. The target provides a specific, measurable goal that Parties are accountable to meet over the next decade.
Indicators – supporting measures that provide greater understanding of, and insight into, how all governments are tracking against the outcomes and targets. Indicators are divided into either drivers or contextual information. Drivers measure those factors that significantly impact the progress made against a target, while contextual information provides insight into the experiences of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people under each outcome.
Disaggregation – how reporting of the target will be broken down and measured by groups of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (for example males/females, or geographical areas). This allows us to understand where progress is being made and where greater effort is needed.
Data development – areas that are important for our understanding of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander outcomes but cannot be measured currently and where further work is required.
Government Parties agree that targets are designed to be met at a national level, while recognising that starting points, past trends and local circumstances differ so jurisdictional outcomes may vary.
As part of the reviews at Clauses 121 and 125, Parties agree to regularly review the level of ambition of the targets as Parties are committed to stretching beyond a business as usual approach in order to accelerate improvements in life outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.