Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are not overrepresented in the child protection system
Target 12: By 2031, reduce the rate of over-representation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by 45 per cent.
- Number of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care
- Proportion of children in out-of-home care (0-17 years old) that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Proportion of children on care and protection order that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Contextual information:
- Proportion of children (0-17 years old) who spent time in out-of-home care by length of time categories (e.g. 12 months, 24 months etc.) that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Measuring progress of the application of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Child Placement Principle (ATSICPP): Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in out-of-home care by type of placement; by relationship with caregiver
- Proportion of children aged 0-17 in out-of-home care that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander who were placed with relatives or kin, or other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander carers
- The proportion of children aged 0-17 in out-of-home care that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander who have current documented and approved cultural support plans
- Proportion of children admitted to out-of-home care that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Proportion of children who exited out-of-home-care to a permanency outcome that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Proportion of children 0-17 discharged from out-of-home care that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Proportion of children that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged 0-16 who exited out-of-home care to reunification in the previous year and did not return to out-of-home care in 12 months or less
- Proportion of children who were subjects of substantiations of notifications that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- Rates of substantiation of a notification by type of abuse, including emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse
- Proportion of children who were the subject of a substantiation of a notification that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander by type of abuse, including emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse
- Age
- Gender
- Indigenous status where available
Data Development:
Explore options to measure and report:
- measures of culturally competent child protection response:
- National Compliance Framework for the ATSICPP that is consistent with indicators being developed by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW), in collaboration with the Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care (SNAICC), Child and Family Services (CAFS) Strategic Information Group (SIG) and Children and Families Data Network (CAFDAN), across jurisdictions, to fully measure the five elements of the ATSICPP: prevention, placement, partnership, participation and connection.
- rates of children and families accessing family support services and intensive family support services
- proportion of children and families accessing family support services and intensive family support services that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- self-reported safety and wellbeing in out-of-home care, including perceived: safety in placement, mental health and wellbeing and connection to family, community and culture
- rates of re-substantiation of a notification by type of abuse, including emotional abuse, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse
- proportion of children 0-17 discharged from out-of-home-care due to ageing out that are Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
- the prevalence of child maltreatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children linked to the Australian Child Maltreatment Study
- Geographic area (jurisdiction, remoteness, other geographic categories available)
- SES of the locality