Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students achieve their full learning potential
Target 5: By 2031, increase the proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (age 20-24) attaining year 12 or equivalent qualification to 96 per cent.
- School attendance
- School retention rates
- At or above National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) minimum standards in reading, writing and numeracy for Years, 3, 5, 7 and 9
- Mean scores of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander 15-year olds in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) test
Contextual information:
- Mean score of NAPLAN reading, writing and numeracy for Years, 3, 5, 7 and 9
- Rates of highest education/training level completed (for those not completing Year 12 or equivalent)
- Progress towards parity
- States/territories
- Remoteness areas
- Socio-economic status of the locality
- Year 12 vs Certificate III or above completions (Certificate III but without year 12)
- Gender
- Disability status
Data Development:
Explore options to measure and report:
- Year 12 completions, based on school administrative records
- completion of Certificate II and III or higher by those who do not have Year 12, based on Vocational Education and Training (VET) administrative records
- disability status (severe/profound disability status) and disability type (physical, cognitive, sensory, social/emotional)
- student experiences of racism
- parent highest level of education, and employment status
- barriers to attendance and support required to complete Year 12 (for those who have not completed Year 12)
- proportion studying ATAR eligible Year 12 program, and Australian Tertiary Admission Rate (ATAR) score
- English as an Additional Language/Dialect student