Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system
Target 10: By 2031, reduce the rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults held in incarceration by at least 15 per cent.
- Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people charged by police
- Proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people convicted and sentenced (by offence and type of sentence)
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoner by offence type (most serious and other offences) and number of offences
- Proportion of prisoners by legal status (sentenced vs unsentenced); and by sentence length
- Number and rate of unique alleged offenders processed by police
- Proportion of prisoners previously incarcerated; number of unique episodes of incarceration
- Mental health, substance abuse issues, family history of incarceration, employment post release, history of victimisation
- Entry rate to incarceration – newly sentenced to prison
Contextual information:
- Rates of death in prison custody of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander prisoners, by cause of death
- Proportion spending greater periods of time on remand
- Progress towards parity
- Geographic area (jurisdiction, remoteness, other geographic categories available)
- Socio-economic status of the locality
- Age
- Gender
Data Development:
Explore options to measure and report:
- access to services in police custody
- Aboriginal community-controlled legal services, including data on police use of custody notification systems
- cultural competency training completed by police
- access to services in prison (disaggregated by sentenced/unsentenced prisoners)
- availability of and participation in culturally safe health and mental health services, including health and disability assessment on entering prison
- support provided to prisoners who are parents to keep engaged with family
- cultural competency training completed by corrections staff
- availability of and participation rates for prison-based programs, including vocational training, behavioural and specialist programs such as addiction
- access to services in police custody
- rehabilitation and reintegration support, and building cultural strength
- police data on caution, diversion, arrests and stops by Indigeneity, including multiple instances of contact, and deaths in police custody
- proportion of offenders denied bail/parole by type of offence and reason for denial (including lack of accommodation)
- data linkages to identify long term outcomes after incarceration (employment, education)
- data disaggregation by age at first contact with the criminal justice system